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Verskon: A quick but experimental drawing of how I envision Katia to look like after developing and honing her talents over a few years.

Gave her a sick robe and an abandoned ruin to meditate in as well.

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Verskon: Dem crystals though, brushes are sick.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Ehhh? It's not...witchuntery enough, y'know?

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: I don't think it captures who Katia is, I think?

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Verskon: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: I suppose it isn't as witchhunter-ish as one would think, but this is me imagining what Katia may look like after years of training and honing her magical abilities.

She basically became an entirely other person so to speak.

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Rick2tails: she looks awesome!

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Boaty: I like to imagine that this is Katia, 15-20 years in the future (age 35-40).

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strikyer: nope, I think it's her in less than a month

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Vidiotdragon: Was this a reference to something? I feel like I've seen this on a Magic card :D

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Verskon: @Vidiotdragon: In truth, I made this based off of how the Jedi meditate. Since I felt mysticism is quite similar to the force and that Katia wouldn't look half bad as a Jedi.

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PermanentFace: @Verskon: Witch Hunters are practically the opposite of the Jedi. Jedi are all about harmonious submission to the flow of a universal force. Mysticism is all about taking a crowbar to that force and making it your bitch.

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Verskon: @PermanentFace: That actually explains a lot, I was simply under the assumption that like a Jedi she would find peace within herself and better focus upon her powers. But yeah, I suppose their ideology differs alongside their methods. Hmm, I wonder what a true Witchhunter would look like.

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Norad2: Katia found the additional pylons.

Wonderful drawing, by the by!