DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Deliver fleeting happiness to a fellow mortal. Comment on their works. Image Uploader The_guardsmen, March 1, 2017; 10:01 Tags artist:Hugo_Mozer Blade character:Katia_Managan Cosplay magic_fire plain_background Warhammer Witch_Hunter Source hugopcc.deviantart.com/art/Witch-Hunter-657016799 Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible March 1, 2017; 15:00 - Reply unknown_victor: Guns are a bit small, other then that I love it! March 1, 2017; 16:19 - Reply Cyrus_Blacksword: No doubt one of alternate outfits she wanted Quill to buy for her March 1, 2017; 18:29 - Reply angrybacteria: I've been waiting for someone to do more Warhammer stuff, especially witch hunter. March 2, 2017; 09:15 - Reply MetalC0Mmander: I'm guessing she'd be one of the few Witch Hunter that aren't completly metal. I mean she would be insane but at least she wouldn't go around murdering people for kicks. March 6, 2017; 19:31 - Reply MetalC0Mmander: @MetalC0Mmander: Mental! I meant to say mental! Don't know if she would be metal or not mind you.
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