Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...


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Rick2tails: this is impressive!

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RoninSmall: Finish. Sculpting by RoninSmall, painting for the contest by Maxim_Gal, casting by SauForge. 3 copies only

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Pronin: How long did this take?

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RoninSmall: @Pronin: 3 month for sculpting... ~ 2/3 month for casting and month for painting. I started her at summer 2016

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Algebrag: Cool. Although Katya look... pretty sad. :sosad

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Algebrag: how do I keep fucking up every single comment I do goddamnit

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AlTan: Her pose does not correspond to environment, course. But in any rate that's great. Just great! Wish you luck and hope you shell not leave after that finish accord.

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Mhauhz: I wish I had anything better/smarter to say than "WHOA THIS IS NICE!"...
It's even more neat that we get to see this, and similar projects, evolve as the process advances.