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DoubleTapMaster: Uh oh, finally! Almost a half day of working! I think it's looking good! ... And i think i'm addicted... to Katia.

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Rick2tails: as far as addictions go its not a bad one to have. ;)

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Pronin: The shape of the head seems a little off, but other than that it looks great.

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cardomajig24: @Pronin: It seems like a stylistic thing to me
Also hi again, you frequent this booru quite a lot don't you?

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Holy crap, I don't know why but this picture really stands out as something really great. It emits a certain Katia than never could have been! It's a pretty weird feeling.

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DoubleTapMaster: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated Thank you very much! It's nice to hear something like that! <3

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Pronin: @cardomajig24: Yeah, I like seeing other peoples art as well as it helps me draw by seeing how other people do different forms. I also sometimes like to give support on peoples art to help them out a bit.