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Yangrel: I'll color and shade it soon, and maybe fix some stuff if people give me enough shit. It's just at the rate this was going, I was only gonna be able to post something after Kaz updated the comic.

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Geravind: @Yangrel: Some shit -- here you go:
- their faces look very savage;
- their thighs look enormously thick;
- the cat's neck and left leg are too long.

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Yangrel: @Geravind: Some of those things are preferential, baby doll, though I really do appreciate the input and will fix the anatomical hiccups. Gonna need to know what'cha mean by "savage" though.

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Geravind: @Yangrel:
Yangrel said:
what'cha mean by "savage"?

Unpleasant faces, they're gonna kill... like semi-grotesque style. Emotions say the truth. -- That is the threat.

And jackboots usually have V-cut a bit higher. Probably, just make smaller those V-cuts. -- That is ...advice.

Spice Art must flow. -- That is the Law.

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Radian: I agree with Gera. Your style is, ahem, pretty unique but I can't say it's appealing (no offense). Aside from some mistakes (in Gera's comment) I want to say I particularly don't like the eyes, this is the thing that needs to be worked on. Maybe change the way you draw eyes, study a bit.
Nice, appealing face is very important, eyes is important for face. Everything else is pretty much good.

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Dugar: Hot

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Lykozze: I think this is great! Their pose looks very dynamic. I'm eager to see this with color and shading!

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CaptainLackwit: S'pretty JoJo up in here.

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Yangrel: Alrighty, I'll work on it a bit more. From what I'm thinking I should...

-Double-check the anatomy on hips and legs of the elf
-Re-work the faces and make the brow on the khajiit less harsh
-Shorten the neck of the khajiit a little (2017 and no neck fetish)
-Re-draw the eyes in a more appealing, perhaps more simplistic style

Keep in mind I was kinda going for savage with the faces. The implication is domination of course, so I figured a more devious look would go with it. I'll see what I can do about the perceived harshness of the character's faces, but I'm still gonna try to make it look like they're about to really just fuckin' go at it.
Thanks for caring enough to state your beef everybody. Gives me the warm fuzzies.

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Pronin: This really nice but, along with all the problems stated above, the tail is a bit wonky. Tails don't usually bend in those sorts of ways.
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forestOverlord: I don't think there's anything wrong with the faces. It's a style and I like it. The only things I would point out are the Khajiit's inconsistent leg and foot lengths and her neck and shoulder.