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Uploader Bluedragon,
Tags artist:Kazerad character:your_weird_OC food Katia's_wizard_robe text
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Bluedragon: Katia gonna get her ass whipped if she doesn't relinquish said noodle Right Now!

It seemed like SUCH a good idea. A little tribute to Cider's work on Prequel. Include one of his OCs. Chose Trash Panda after hours (seconds) of internal debate).

Then alas, Kaz goes through a bunch of joke images during the stream and "BANG!" there's a Cider Trash Panda image he drew. So it wasn't an original idea. Then he shot down my NitW crossover too! Damn, I'm so pleb.

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Karmo: wasn't the most recent (at the time of posting this) questionable picture based off of this one?

also,if Kazerad drew this,shouldn't it have the artist:Kazerad (or artist:Kaz,not sure which) tag?

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Bluedragon: Absolutely. I just suck at tagging.

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damrok4321: Ehh I regret that i missed this stream. It Looks so fucking great

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Nyflex: Poor Katia needs food
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BadReligion: When you wanted to make romantic atmosphere but she have period and is really hungry. :|

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Rick2tails: 2/10 not enough sauce

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fastolaf: 5 seconds later: http://i.imgur.com/E4M5Uza.jpg

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: *Screaming because I missed the stream*

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Mhauhz: Their expressions are PERFECT.
Annnd, for some reason, Jesse's in her Valentine's dress.