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Bluedragon: There! See! Hard edged shading dammit. Okay, soft too but it's a start.

I don't think there's a hell of a lot to say for this one. Sage advice from Quill Weave. She's concerned about your mental health and only wants the best for you!

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Pronin: Why the fuck do you have Internet Explorer on your computer?!

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realbboy: @Pronin: Don't you need it to configure you internet? Also it's probably small enough that uninstalling it would be a waste of your time. It's also useful if you want to quickly access a website signed out of your account without actually signing out. If you use it as your primary browser, however, there is a problem.
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picartosux: Why do you have access to all the RP and NSFW channels?

Wait... what is this start menu icon?!

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Vidiotdragon: Well now I'm just curious...

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Pronin: @Vidiotdragon: They really are not that good. I would suggest not joining them.

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Vidiotdragon: Well shoot I'll just make my own Discord... with blackjack! And hookers!

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Pepsidude: Good advice. Everyone there is a dick. Including, and especially me.

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CaptainLackwit: @Pronin: Why's that so damned distressing..?

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AMKitsune: Ok, personal opinion here. While some people may find these various discord servers to be absolutely awful and others may quite like them, provided that you're old enough to peruse the various channels on these things, why not just check them out if you're genuinely curious? I myself don't really care for the sort of casual conversation that these servers facilitate (regardless of the topic), so it just isn't for me. I joined one, looked around for a bit and thought "No thanks" and left. Someone else on the other hand might want to stay. If you join one of these servers and think "Oh, this isn't too bad", good for you. If you think "Oh, yeah, I see what they meant now...", you can always just leave the server.

The point being, if you're on the fence about this whole discord thing, join one for a while to see what it's all about and make up your mind from there. The best opinion to trust on these things is usually your own informed one.

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Bluedragon: Just FWIW, I do like to hang out there personally from time to time. I just thought it was a cute drawing.

@Pronin - dunno. Never use it.
@Picartosux - Hey, I didn't say >I< follow QWs advice! But yes, that start button... I did some customization a while back. :) You should see what happens when I hover and click it!

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Bluedragon: Wow. I totally misconstrued some of the original lines where her tongue is. Correcting that. I might ask AMKitsune to replace it.

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Bluedragon: Yeah, sorry - if a mod wouldn't mind - corrected version here: http://68.media.tumblr.com/a6676e515aae80dcab1b79d938cbd12c/tumblr_inline_osgrose3nP1sn6wro_1280.png

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Radian: I was in one prequel server and quit just because of boredom. It was just a bunch of people talking about random shit.
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Nafaalilargus: Is it safe to say that the servers are polluted?

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Bluedragon: It's /trash/ but more real-time. And less focused.

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GalaTheFish: Where can I get an invitation to the server?

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LordAlabast: Someone gimme an invite

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realbboy: @GalaTheFish: Dirty discord dealer! :p

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GalaTheFish: @realbboy You know it.

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Pronin: @GalaTheFish: I ain't clicking that shit. Can't get me.
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: I got the stuff if you need it...
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wayf: I need an invite to that discord

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Toryu-Mau: Well, Discord is exactly what the name sujests​ it is. Discord. As in, Uther Chaos.
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: Well it's not that bad... just buckle up and you will probably be fine.

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LordAlabast: They don't lie, it is cancer

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Pronin: @A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: Yeah no, it's pretty bad, that's why I left. The discord near mimics what's wrong with the comments section, if not worse and that's why Kaz really doesn't like it. I really wouldn't recommend going there but I also don't care what you do, just don't bring that shit here.
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Someone-Who-Has-Seen-A-Lot: I have been there... i can 100% confirm that almost everyone there are ducking perverted freaks. Matters worse that 1: God, i used to know faolan... and 2: that server killed a actual prequel server that was... nice... until it rooted away.

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Raydio: Ok ik this is really old but is it still possible to maybe get into this discord server possibly maybe?

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Enheldor: @Raydio: Why would you ever?

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Raydio: @Enheldor: To intract with this community more maybe?
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Raydio: people always refuse with these just so you can die from curiosity

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Raydio: @Asperger_kitten_1337: IKR like let a nigga fella in already ffs

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Enheldor: @Raydio: Take Quill's advice.

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Raydio: @Enheldor: no!
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Enheldor: Enheldor, you arleady refused to lead me to prequel's 4chan thread give Raydio an invitation to the discord you ignorrant twat WE HAVE RIGHTS TO EXTINGUISH OUR CURIOSITY *rioting intestifies*

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Enheldor: @Asperger_kitten_1337: I followed Quill's advice and am not on that server.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Enheldor: *frustrated sigh* then why the hell you waste my time talking like you are able to give an invitation to the discord

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Raydio: @Asperger_kitten_1337: After successfully visiting one of these aforementioned threads, I can confirm their utter awfulness.

Really. Just fucking awful. You want internet degeneracy? You’ve got it there.
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lllxBL4ZExlll: Discord is a "wonderful" place filled with "wonderful" people

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Raydio: @lllxBL4ZExlll: Wasn’t referring to the discord, actually. Asperger mentioned wanting access to the 4chan threads. That’s where I ended up.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Raydio: ...well?

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Raydio: @Asperger_kitten_1337: it's terrible and I want no part of it ever. Neither should you. Stay out of there.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Raydio: you have became Enheldor

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Enheldor: @Asperger_kitten_1337: GOOD