Submit images and feed on the tears of mortal cats.


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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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Makkon: post your best bad anime CATption for this picture

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realbboy: "And so it begins, the catastrophe"

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ARandomGuy: "Omae wa mou shindeirou"


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NathanShepard: "Mustn't run away."

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ARandomGuy: Both can be said by Kat or to Kat.
Plays on the situation, really.

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Mewth: Are you sure it's safe to leave the cat alone with Mr. Kazerad? She might get eaten!

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Mewth: @Mewth:

Are you sure it's safe to leave that cat alone with Mr. Tadakichi? He might get eaten!
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picartosux: "I've waited 2 years for this?!"

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SoarFlyer: https://i.imgur.com/qL9kq3a.png

excellent post

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ARandomGuy: Here are more captions.
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yabbles: Time to let the cat out of the bag
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Asperger_kitten_1337: crossed point of no return, check
dramatic speech, check
moody lighting, check
les do dis

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Rick2tails: hello, my name is Katia Managan. You stole my stuff, prepare to die!

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evjikshu: I knew it was your work, Makkon. :) Nice work as always. You are my role model now.

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DOOMGUY11: @Rick2tails: bruh those lines echoed through my mind