Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.


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Odes: this time i tried to do something more suited to my strengths.. editing! the backround is by makkon

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Rick2tails: this is kind of cool but you forgot the Bartender :(

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Odes: @Rick2tails:
nooo!!! dang it!

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Gren: where's Gharug? Where's Gauis and Sword-dog? Tavia and Tierra? Countess Umbranox? Lelles? Crazy poison lady? Capital S? Gay elves? "Enchantment" lizard? Welkynd kitty? This is thoroughly incomplete and you should be ashamed! I mean, how could you ever forget Landorumil? He's the very essence of this comic!

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Odes: @Gren: i could have sworn i added gauis! i am going to keep working on this

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Odes: @Gren: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/4621 added most of em