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KNOWNvictor: Soz my handwriting is shocking.

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Raydio: Interesting that you highlight the regions of the body, I typically just outline the edges of the abs, knees, joints, and chest then just “extrapolate” from there

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KNOWNvictor: @Raydio: yea I was just trying to get a grasp of the key shapes and sections of the body, cuz I've only just started practicing anatomy.

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Raydio: @KNOWNvictor: Then you’re hitting the ground running if you’re just starting anatomy, which would make sense since you look like an experienced artist (something I’m not ecksdee).

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Toryu-Mau: ... Agreed, this cursive handwriting is borderline calligraphy. It's Mesmerizing.
Anyway, thanks for sharing process montage, we can never have enough of these. >):^]

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Geravind: At least someone does it right through obstacles. Good job).

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Toryu-Mau: @Merfn4d: ... How Do Art? >):^?
( Takes the whole box of 4B pencils and shoves it in my mouth. )

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KNOWNvictor: @Toryu-Mau: (dives face first onto table)

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Norad2: Freaking masterpiece, and seeing the process makes it even better!