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Rittilisers: I made Katia in pony.town! :D
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YeOldeCuckolde: But why?

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Skoon: Cute.
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MetalC0Mmander: @YeOldeCuckolde: Why not.

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Rick2tails: cute

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Un_Mapache: Disturbingly cute

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furnut: aww

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MikeyTheFox: Nice! I made this while a good while ago before they had the cat looking tail. I need to update her now

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Enheldor: @Rittilisers: In what?

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Toryu-Mau: @Rittilisers: ... Wow, she fits in quite effortlessly. >):^D
Makes one wonder what she'd look like as a Griffon or a Sphinx.
If we're to take the recent movie as canon, apparently Khajiits exist in Equestria... kind of? >):^?

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Rittilisers: I also made a pac but I'm afraid to show it.

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LuminosityXVII: @Enheldor: pony.two is both its name and its web address.

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LuminosityXVII: Sorry, pony.town