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Uploader Sashimi,
Tags artist:Furnut braids character:Rajirra character:your_weird_OC fanfiction green_eyes smiling
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Sashimi: "Happier times" Another great fanfic commission I got from Furnut! I must say, I really like this!

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Geravind: Awww... cuteness overflowing -- reactor critical, shutdown imminent.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Geravind: containment breach imminent, security level elevated to pink, execute protocol :) (smileyface)
good luck

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PermanentFace: More Rajirra apologism. And do we really need the Sashimi_Story tag now that we have pools?

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Sashimi: @PermanentFace: Annnd more derogatory comments from you! I get it, you hate her guts, but if you despise her so much, don't look at these. I'm trying to offer a possible explanation for her behavior by creating a story detailing some of the events of her life. I wan't to add some depth to her character so she's more then just "That bitch who betrayed Katia." There's good and bad in everyone. You treat her like she's evil incarnate! I'm sure it's safe to say that even Hitler smiled and played at some time in his life. If you have nothing positive to contribute, then please refrain from commenting in my posts from now on.

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Raydio: inb4 WW3

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Mikeyboi: I have to say the drawling of rajirra satisfies me

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Sashimi: @Mikeyboi: Furnut really came through!
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lllxBL4ZExlll: yesyesyesyeysyesyesyesyesyeysyesyesyes!! Its soooo friggen cute! Keep up the good work!

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Sashimi: @lllxBL4ZExlll: Well if you liked this, I do have another one that I'm gonna have made that I think you'll really enjoy.
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lllxBL4ZExlll: @Sashimi: It wont come as a surprise if I like whatever you post next.
Your posts are

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Sashimi: @lllxBL4ZExlll: Thank you! I appreciate that. The next pic that was just made isn't the cute one I have in mind, just to let you know. That one may be a while yet.

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Mikeyboi: @Sashimi he really did

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Mikeyboi: Or she

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Sashimi: @Mikeyboi: You were right the first time. :)

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Enheldor: 2 things.

First, who is that with Rajirra?

Second, Sashimi, you were doing so well defending your story and its accompanying art. But now, thanks to Godwin's Law, you lose the argument.

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Sashimi: @Enheldor: Hey, C'mon, you gotta give me a mulligan on that one cause I've never heard of that until now! I guess I should have used Stalin instead. Lol. Besides, Godwin's law doesn't negate the point I'm trying to make in saying that even the most evil individuals (of which Rajirra hardly qualifies) weren't born evil. Something happened in their lives to turn them wicked, but before that time, they probably had BOTH good and bad life experiences like the rest of us. And my story tells of both good and bad events that Rajirra experiences. And to answer your first question, the girl is my O.C.'s little sister. :)

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Enheldor: @Sashimi: The point about Godwin's is that it does negate the point you're trying to make! If had used Stalin, like you suggested, you would be completely in the clear.

So that's not Rajirra's child?

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Sashimi: @Enheldor: No, it's not her child. Her kids look khajiiti.
But looking into the Godwin's law, there are exceptions. Godwin's law, (which isn't a real law anyway let's not forget, just because someone makes up a "law" doesn't make it true.) is about people making frivolous comparisons to Hitler and/or the nazis. Simply mentioning Hitler as fact doesn't invoke the GL, and Hitler is universally recognized as the most evil person.

I found this:

Godwin’s Law does not dispute the validity or otherwise of references or comparison to Hitler or the Nazis. As such a comparison or reference may sometimes be appropriate in a discussion, Godwin has argued that overuse of the Nazi comparison should be avoided as it waters down the impact of any valid usage. In its purest sense, the rule has more to do with completely losing one's sense of proportion rather than just mentioning Nazis specifically.[3][4] The law was initiated as a counter-meme to flippant comparisons to the Nazis, rather than to invoke a complete ban on comparisons. As Mike Godwin himself wrote in 2008:[5]

Godwin himself appears in comments (authenticity confirmed via email) to explain that his “law” sought to discourage frivolous, but not substantive, Nazi analogies and comparisons.[6]

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Sashimi: @Enheldor: I mean , really, this is ridiculous. Someone's view point becomes invalid because of some made up internet rule? Sorry but I don't subscribe to fictitious laws just because someone says it's true. Might as well say your opinion doesn't matter because your wearing a purple shirt and somebody made a rule about it.

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Sashimi: @Enheldor: I'll put it another way, do you really think Godwin's law would hold up in court? I mean, if there was a criminal trial, and the prosecutor made a Hitler reference, do you think the defense could then say "Whoa now, you made a Hitler reference, Godwin's law means your argument is invalid, and you lose. My client is now free to go."? That would hold as much water as a bucket made of chainlink fence. Just sayin.

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Raydio: Bartender hotter tbh

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Enheldor: @Sashimi: While it may not be a "real" law for legal purposes, needlessly bringing Hitler into a discussion undermines your position. If you were doing a discussion in which Hitler and the Nazis were relevant, Godwin's Law would not come into effect. But pulling him out of the blue would. Godwin's Law is meant to cause both sides of a viewpoint to think before they type. If you can't come up with a better comparison than Hitler (in a discussion hat would not ordinarily involve him or his fanboys), then yes "Someone's view point becomes invalid because of some made up internet rule". Just because you decide not to "...subscribe to fictitious laws just because someone says it's true" doesn't mean others here will think the same. Those people will immediately dismiss your side just because of the Law. I personally agree with your points: not everyone is super evil all the time and it is possible (but I personally think hard and unlikely but still possible) for people to repent and change. But then, not only did you invoke Godwin's Law, you tried to get out of it by stating that you don't follow it and that since it won't hold up in court, it doesn't apply to what you say.

Also, I never wear purple shirts. The colour clashes with my eyes.

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PermanentFace: You reverse-Godwin'd. You compared your waifu to Hitler.

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Sashimi: @Raydio: Ray, are you wearing a purple shirt? LOL JK.

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Sashimi: @Enheldor: I get what you're saying about about others automatically dismissing someones argument because of making a Hitler reference, but you made it sound like everyone would react in the same manner due to G.L. and that's simply not true. I agree that there are far too many frivolous uses of the comparison, but honestly, I wasn't calling someone a nazi or calling them Hitler. Saying Hitler was the most evil person history is a generally accepted belief and not a frivolous comparison in my opinion. My stating that he had smiled and played at some time in his life is not trying to make light of what occurred later under his leadership. Any discussion involving evil is invariably going to invoke A.H. due to his notoriety. I get the fact that some people will put up a barricade once any nazi reference is made, and that's unfortunate. I can see how mentioning Der Fuhrer could undermine ones position in a discussion with those who think as you describe, but again, not everyone feels that way. Course, now that you brought this to my attention, I guess I won't invoke A.F.'s name in any future discussions.

And E, I bet you could wear any color and make it work! Lol.

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Sashimi: @PermanentFace: Fräulein Rajirra is wunderbar waifu!

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Makkon: What the hell is going on in the comments here? Are people seriously, straight-faced shaming the artist/author for liking a flawed character? You guys should know that's the same thing as tumblr's "your fav is problematic."

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PermanentFace: Liking a flawed character is fine. Constructing an elaborate fanon backstory to justify your love for this flawed character borders on the obsessive.

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Sashimi: @Makkon: Apparently liking Rajirra is an unforgivable sin in some people's minds and creating a backstory that might possibly explain her actions is an affront to their sensibilities.

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PermanentFace: Your fave is problematic, Sashimi.

But seriously, I'm just a grumpy old man whom you're welcome to ignore. Like whatever characters you want to like.

I retain the right, however, to view those characters as they are presented in the actual story, and to view any second-degree fan-fiction intended to present them more favorably as ridiculous.

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Makkon: @PermanentFace: I just find your...rather focused interest... on your dislike for this character and people who like her somewhat "borders on the obsessive." My suggestion for you is to just stop, please. The prequel fandom doesn't need shipping/fav wars akin to the Steven Universe fandom.

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PermanentFace: I'm sorry to hear I appear obsessive. I don't go out of my way to look at Sashimi's pictures, but when I do I sometimes choose to comment.

I also have no intention of starting a fanwar, though I suppose I can see how it might conceivably happen if other people were to flock to my 'side.' Not that it's much of a side. I don't believe in Sashimi's backstory and I would like to see Rajirra get punched in the face and maybe also die in a fire. That's it.

I'm not calling for him to get banned or his artwork to get removed. I'm not saying you're a Nazi sympathizer for liking Rajirra or wanting her to be good all along. I'm just trying to have some fun on this booru by hamming up my dislike for a character I dislike. If that bothers you, then I'm sorry, and I'll try not to do it so often.

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Shotgun_Observations: This... Was not necessary. At all. Not the image. The comments. I'll keep my neutral standing.

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Sashimi: @Shotgun_Observations: Well I'm pleased to say I think this has finally been resolved, and we have an understanding now. Fingers crossed!

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Shotgun_Observations: @Sashimi: Here's to hoping...

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LuminosityXVII: I do hope this hatchet is well and truly buried. I need to see Raj get her comeuppance AND redemption, and it's just not going to get done right unless you two collaborate on a story.

PF, you're in charge of comedic slapstick revenge. Sash, you're on feels duty--and my eyes had better be leaking by the end. Kaz, if you're reading this, you're with me on Quality Control. We get big heavy sticks to clonk underperformers with. Everyone else, take your places as the live studio audience. GO GO GO WE'RE ROLLING YESTERDAY

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Sashimi: @LuminosityXVII: Oh God,too much pressure! (Goes and hides from the spectators, begins drinking heavily).

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LuminosityXVII: @Sashimi: I will clonk you.

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Sashimi: @LuminosityXVII: Pressure building.....

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PermanentFace: Hey, pass the bottle. You're not the only one under pressure here.

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Sashimi: @PermanentFace: The cake helps too.
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DOOMGUY11: They are like alter egos it's awesome!

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DOOMGUY11: Katia is temporary, Rajiira is life.

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Caps: Awwww, this is so adorable.