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madmanransom: uhhhhhhhhh i mean it looks nice.
but i struggle to see what this has to do with prequel other than the logo.
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MetalC0Mmander: @madmanransom: Fuck it it looks good. Keep it I say.

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Sashimi: Sweet!
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lllxBL4ZExlll: This shall be my wallpaper

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Geravind: "Paramount Prequel presents"?
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lllxBL4ZExlll: @Geravind: That was what I was thinking too

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Shotgun_Observations: @lllxBL4ZExlll: I was thinking that they were going for the view outside Kvatch when you jump off the castle window. Kind of.

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Mhauhz: @Shotgun_Observations:
Now that you said that, makes sense.
Dunno, it gives me a quite... breezy feeling of sorts.

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CCOOOOLL: background source //wallup.net/nature-landscape-mountains-clouds-mount-everest/