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Uploader Radian,
Tags artist:Radian Blunt character:Katia_Managan christmas green_eyes Khajiit presents smiling
Source Unknown
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Radian: Well, I did miss Christmas but New Year still about to come...
Happy New Year!

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damrok4321: Happy New Year to you too! Also amazing art!

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Rick2tails: this is simply amazing!

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Shotgun_Observations: I can almost imagine Santa Katia in a minigame called: [S] Katia: Infiltrate, endless mode.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Shotgun_Observations: 6 hours in: Imp murderboss: "Your miserable life has made your skin thick, kitten."
Katia: "I was born w- wait no I wa-"
Katia is hit with a fireball and has dieded

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fastolaf: Good kids get a pineapple

Bad kids get their skulls caved in

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Geravind: Новогодняя брига довольно странная, про "инструмент" я вообще молчу... вообще злая она какая-то, не буду с ней праздновать.

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Radian: @Geravind: Ты что, был плохим мальчиком?

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RoninSmall: @Radian: "выбирай, либо я тебя отпизжу палицей, либо либо отпизжу, но чем - сюрприз"