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WBGaming81: Nice one!
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GamGyuls: love this

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scoopski: Man, I was NOT expecting such a nostalgia trip today. Nice job!

"You're not a cop, you're a robot"

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strikyer: barman being like https://doyouevenliftblogdotcom.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/1020323-1145166290196-small_head.jpg

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lapma: that may be better

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DarthVader: Bartender’s head looks rather deformed other than that it looks pretty good
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Butterscotch: The bartender kinda looks like the [REDACTED] from the super [REDACTED] Bros movie, I CANT BE THE ONLY ONE THAT THINKS THIS RIGHT? Well I'm one of the only people that saw that movie, and didn't erase the memories with a cattle prod to the frontal lobe.

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gdfsgdfg: You double crossing Breton Prick!