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Uploader GamGyuls,
Tags character:Katia_Managan monochrome royalty sketch
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GamGyuls: so, this is some random sketch that i drew like 4 month ago. i found this while i exploring old files and i wanted share this piece.

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Rick2tails: thanks for sharing.its pretty !

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Un_Mapache: I want this to be my queen.

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bluedraggy: St. Katia, we beseech thee to intercede for us when we fail, when we drink to excess and when we have the 'best idea ever' Pray for us and guide us. Amen.
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Dawoc: If Katia accepted the Count of Kvatch's offer to become his heir? I mean, it'd only last a couple of weeks - if that - but would be pretty nice change of pace for our favorite Khajiit.