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Tags adorable artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow happy
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lapma: I drew some rubber hose style Katia i will try to animate her a little later this week. hope you like it.

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AMKitsune: I'm not entirely sure what you mean by 'rubber hose style', so this was what initially came to mind.

This is made in flash I presume? I look forward to seeing how you go about animating her

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lapma: rubber hose style is style used in 30's cartoons or more recently in cuphead. It's mostly visible in movement.

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lapma: But your interpretacion seems way cooler

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AMKitsune: @lapma: Ooh, right, makes sense now. As in the bendy 'rubber hose' limbs and how the characters keep bouncing up and down all the time.

Today I learnt a new term for a thing I new about.

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Rick2tails: time for wacky 1930s Oblivion antics with Katia?