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JarrelLurwin: Nervous since this is the first time uploading here

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DOOMGUY11: @JarrelLurwin: dont be it's good to see more artists:)

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JarrelLurwin: @DOOMGUY11: thank you!appreciate that you accepted my art and oc being here

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JarrelLurwin: Description: Jarrel is a dedicated swordsman eager to challenge any foe who stands in his way he was orphaned fron the Glenumbra Moors from a guard that found him.

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JarrelLurwin: He trained in a young age and became an expert swordsman of Glenpoint, he made friends rather than enemies... On an unfortunate night he discovered he was orphaned

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JarrelLurwin: An our later, his 'parents' were assassinated from an assassin who was sent by he same person who killed his parents since they have a bad history together

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JarrelLurwin: He was also acused for murder, and was paraded with some infamous criminals, and when he was in his cell before being executed he found a lockpick under his pillow

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JarrelLurwin: He stole some leather and weapons after picking a lock from a pitiful luck, and left Glenpoint for good, heading to Cyrodiil to restart his life

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DOOMGUY11: @JarrelLurwin: I like it! Maybe I should explain mine in PM since some here already know. I like his look though!

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JarrelLurwin: @DOOMGUY11: thank you that you appreciate the look, I'll make sure to read yours or provide a link if possible :)

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Jadezzar: Don't worry, dude. Your pic quite good.

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JarrelLurwin: I do NOT own the art style by right, all crefit goes to lord Kazerad, my favorite artist and story teller :3
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AMKitsune: @Vinarto: Calm down, it's not their fault. This is something that was decided long after the booru was first set-up and there's nothing on the 'sign-up page' about uploading 'OC only' artwork. This is something that Kazerad ideally needs to address. Until then, the best we can do is ask people not to upload 'OC only' art as and when it happens.

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Sashimi: @Vinarto: It was my understanding that all pics had to be Prequel related.

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Sashimi: But nice work Jarrel!

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DOOMGUY11: @JarrelLurwin: @AMKitsune: maybe I should've have sent him/her AMKs message huh? Yeah I told nicros man sorry jarrel!

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DOOMGUY11: @Vinarto: Ik there's been too much OC fanart lately but give us a break.when first signing up the terms and policies never really mentioned OC

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DOOMGUY11: @Vinarto: But yeah other than that maybe a little update to the terms and policies involving OCs would be beneficial!thx and good day! :)

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JarrelLurwin: @Vinarto: it's just my first time, when I see some alot of ocs, I was like "maybe I should post mine", sorry my bad xD

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DOOMGUY11: @JarrelLurwin: see what you guys done to him you broke him! XD

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Toryu-Mau: @JarrelLurwin: ... Getting some serious Witcher vibe from this one, hope to see more of him. c^:(<
Just try to depict him in a context of interacting with some Prequel characters, that's always nice for character development. >):^D

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Nicros_Man: Good Job on your OC. Keep going! I want to see more of him.