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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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Jadezzar: You finish it! Nice, nice...

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DOOMGUY11: Is this questionable? But other than that I am just amazed that you assumed her bra was real before reading the actual comic XD. Good coloring!

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Nicros_Man: @DOOMGUY11: He! Its because in my adaptation of Kazerad's story, Katia didn't paint herself a false bra. She actually got a real bra from Quill when she gived her traveler outfit.

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POMA: And it is exactly the problem I've talked about. Your Katia has nothing to do with comic Katia aside from being yellow cat. The same apply for other Prequel characters from whom you only borrow their images putting everything rest aside. It is not an adaptation anymore, it's a fanfiction. So please add fanfic tag so I could block it right away.

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scoopski: @POMA: While your stance is reasonable, the fact that you're saying that due to this Katia having an actual bra makes this the nitpickiest thing I've seen outside of /co/ in years.

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Toryu-Mau: ... Scandalous... >),:^]
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Vinarto: Wanting to change something is Kaz's story basically means you think you can do better.

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Nicros_Man: @Vinarto: No, that's not what I ment! Ok maybe a little, but Kaz's version will still be the original even if we do a adaptation of it.

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DarthVader: Now what characteristics does new Katia have over Kaz’s katia?

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Nicros_Man: @DarthVader: Well she is less alcoholic. That's it. The rest is totally the same characteristic as the original Katia. Oh and in the sequels, she is alot more braver.

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DarthVader: I find your lack of faith disturbing that you can’t understand a simple joke or the ability to determine how to tag this!

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Rick2tails: all I know is I like them kitty girls ^_^

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POMA: Well you ask me to asnwer and then tell everyone to not comment on that matter, well then...

Overall drawing is nice, i liked that you managed to show distinctive looks of both styles but your Katia has frame of a bodybuilder when she should be a fragile khajiit and as for the joke I don't even find it a joke. Your Katia on second frame looks so disgusted by that assumption she may scare low level creatures away just as well as with Eye of Fear. Scared Katia in third frame is not a punchline, there should fourth one where original Katia says something like "So you're not afraid of breastfur-eating moths?"

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DOOMGUY11: Omg katia got to training huh? Enough is enough! Get those gains girl!
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DepecheMode: This would work better if you stated this was an alternative universe, so your changes would fit better.

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Nicros_Man: @DepecheMode: Yes, it is an alternate universe.

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Rick2tails: @nicros_man you do you. dont let self imposed critics tell you what to draw and if Kaz dont have a problem with it post away .thats why most fandoms cant have nice things is the no fun league ready to charge in and shit on everything

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Raydio: @Nicros_Man: chief I been here. Just make your own story instead of a loosely based au of an au of a video game
also it do sound like you’re implying your version of the story is better, which is W H A C K

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PermanentFace: And, I mean, as an AU it's gotta be fan-fiction by definition, right? Wouldn't it be better to use that existing tag than add a completely separate one for a particular brand of fan-fiction?

I have nothing against your drawings. I think you've got a lot of talent. But I do like to have things organized.

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Kazerad: Man, come on guys, be cool to eachother. I'm deleting a bunch of comments on this image because it's like six people fighting and it's really dumb.

Some people will make fanart you don't like. You should still be nice to them, and with the handy new Blacklist system you can pretty easily avoid images you don't like. Remember that this is a fanart page; it's not like people are taking over the comic and changing its direction. There's inherently going to be some degree of wish-fulfillment in people's fanwork, whether it's drawing Katia making out with their OC or simply putting her in an outfit they really like and want to see her in. The whole reason people draw fanart is because they want to reflect something not represented in the source material.

At the same time, though, when you make fanart with significant deviations from the source material, you should expect a certain degree of criticism from people who feel your take on it is missing the point of the source material. This sort of criticism is normal and important, since it's how we as viewers learn what is important to us and others. Sometimes we'll find a niche of people who like our unique take on things, and we'll find satisfaction making something they enjoy. Other times, we'll realize that there's simple things we can change about our work to make it appeal to its once-detractors.

These interactions are important, and they don't have to be hostile. And when they do veer into hostility, it's the responsibility of the other participants to draw it back. Like, a person who calls your work shit is <i>inarticulate</i>, and a charitable response is to take it as a statement that they don't like your work. It's not an invite to exacerbate the situation.

Anyway, I'm adding the "Your_Weird_OC" tag to this image, since it's concept is basically establishing one of the characters as an OC. I'm also deleting the other image made in response to the comments here, because it depicts my beard wrong and misquotes the Nostalgia Critic.

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Nicros_Man: @Kazerad: Thank you Kaz, thank you!

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Kazerad: @Nicros_Man: This is 99% your fault! :C Let critics crit and taggers tag.

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Krozbott: thanks kaz and sorry for that one comment i did

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Kazerad: @Krozbott: It's okay. Let's all be friends now, except for that one guy who was spamming weird porn.

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Krozbott: okay, sounds like a good plan to me

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Toryu-Mau: @Kazerad: ... The verdict has thus been declared. Let this be a hard learned lesson that engraves into the foundation of our conduct.

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Krozbott: alright time to post the comment i wanted to post before the drama started:

tbh, as much as i like the original design of katia, i do really like this other version of katia, it has lots of detail and generally looks like there was a lot of thought put into it. good work!

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Krozbott: btw, dont get me wrong, i still love kaz's version of katia, nothing can beat that, i just thought nicros did a really good job

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Nicros_Man: @Krozbott: Thank you Krozbott. And sorry everyone.

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Krozbott: i forgive ya, i did something similar myself a long time ago

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CaptainLackwit: Damn I didn't think my comment was all that bad.
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DirtyBlue929: @Kazerad: Good lord, I missed some DRAMA here didn't I?

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Sashimi: I only wish I could rid myself of the memory of that awful image that was posted earlier.

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Nicros_Man: @Sashimi: me too, I feel so guilty.

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Geravind: "Сritics gonna crit."
Looks like a shit-volcano has erupted here recently ...and the author has gotten too many crits in a row due to his low resilience level, no?

Well, nice drawing, poor joke, weird idea, vulnerable author, so...

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bluedraggy: TFW you discover that the yellow parts of Katias eyes are actually huge irises and the whites are never seen. ewww! Nicros' Katia is prettier because of that and... ither enhancements.

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Sashimi: @bluedraggy: She is very nice indeed!

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Toryu-Mau: @bluedraggy: ... Well, that's anatomically accurate to how an actual feline eye is structured. It's an evolution that allows reflective low light vision.
Though I do agree with the point that eyes with defined iris would be more relatable to a human. >):^]

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Nicros_Man: @bluedraggy: Really? The yellow is the iris? I thaught her eyes were black like the Classic Sonic.

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Nicros_Man: @bluedraggy: Well its good to know in my opinion. Thanks for your compliment btw.

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AMKitsune: I got a good chuckle out of this.
Also, I think I just developed a head-canon for how these two are related. Nicros Man's Katia is who original Katia strives to be. She's Katia's literal self aspiration! Well, she's already bought some proper underwear, so she's on the right path at least