Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...


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Rick2tails: whats the confusion? she took off all of her clothes before going in except the cloak in case things went badly and Sigrid would steal her nice bra

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XenoYparxi: fair enough I guess. still, I think no one would want to steal her nice bra (or would even care) >_> so that's kinda unnecessary from her side if that's true
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CyVoltage: Give her a break, if a girl wants to be naked, let her

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DOOMGUY11: Does the paint count? Or is it still public indecency?

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XenoYparxi: she longed for the nice bra for a reason >_>

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Rick2tails: hanging loose and free 100% of the time probably gets annoying
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ArtMartin: Dont give it too much importance its just an easter egg.
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ArtMartin: @CyVoltage What the fuck no
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CyVoltage: @ArtMartin yeah...looking back at the joke, it was a bit of a misfire on my part. I think I was trying to convey a certain tone but ended up...sounding pretty creepy