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On His Mane's Secret Service
Chapter 3
Em was not available when Dar’Amon and Ra’Jirra arrived at the HMSS headquarters, so she left her report with his secretary, Miss Ponsonby. Ra’Jirra and Miss Ponsonby had never been friends, but she had helped her after the Argonian affair, and she had gained a grudging respect for the surly old khajiit afterwards.
“You two just go back to your room. I’ll leave your report with Em and will have someone contact you and bring you back in when he returns.”
The two did as requested and spent the afternoon strolling the streets of Torval. The city had become quite crowded in recent years, with an influx of young khajiits relocating from the hard life of rural farmers and tradesmen to try and make a name for themselves in the Big City. Many of the impediments to living there had been improved as it had lost the putrid smell and congestion with advances in plumbing and sanitation. Even the crime rate had decreased significantly.
The two sat on a park bench, watching the pedestrians stroll by. Dar’Amon sat on Ra’Jirra’s shoulder, whispering in her sensitive ear so that his ability to speak wasn’t discovered.
“You know, this park didn’t even exist a few years ago. The Mane is really doing a good job making this city better,” he said.
“Oh, I know. It’s almost unrecognizable from the place I first visited ten years ago! I heard there’s talk of deepening the docks so bigger ships can port here.”
“All this change… I know it’s for the best, but sometimes…”
Ra’Jirra stroked the cat’s head beside her. “It’s too much. Too soon. We barely have enough time to figure out the new ways before something even newer comes along.”
“Well, what can you do? Just make do as best we can I suppose. Some things are starting to seem downright barbaric though.”
They watched as one of the Mane’s concubines passed by with her retinue, dressed in the her gauzy and transparent costume.
“Like that?” Ra’Jirra said when they’d passed by.
“Exactly like that. Look, even in my Alfiq state, I’m as… male as the next guy. But really…”
“You’re getting conservative in your old age, Dar.”
“Hmph. Probably. Have you ever met the Mane?”
“Me?! No. I know Em meets with him regularly, and I heard Queue had an interview with him during that Argonian thing. But no, I’ve never even been inside the Palace. I’ve seen him on the balcony during speeches of course.”
“I went inside once,” Dar’Amon confided. “Not officially. I just wanted to look around. Easy thing to do when you’re a cat.”
“Jeeze Dar! That’s an easy way to get yourself killed! It’s not like the guards don’t know an Alfiq from a real cat!”
Dar’Amon started licking a paw. “Ah… It was shortly after they’d shut down the research that made me… this. I was pretty depressed back then, knowing that I’d be stuck this way for the rest of my life. I don’t think I was exactly suicidal, just… I didn’t care much about life anymore.”
“Dar, you never told me that.”
“I know. I didn’t want you to think I was crazy in the head too. But yeah. It was a hard time for me. But I got over it eventually. You kind of have to. What else can you do?”
“Well, I’m glad you got over it.”
“Working for the HMSS helped a lot. And Em personally. He helped me see that, even in this state, I can still do a lot of good for Elsweyr.”
“So what was it like, in the Palace?”
“Oh, pretty much what you’d expect. All marble floors and gold leaf. I never saw the Mane, but I can tell you their kitchens have the most excellent fish!”
“I bet!”
Dar nudged her ear then. “Raj. I think that’s the HMSS courier! See him?”
Ra’Jirra stood up, letting Dar’Amon leap off her shoulder to the bench. The courier literally ran to them.
“You are Ra’Jirra?”
“I am. You’re from the HMSS?”
“Yes. You’re wanted at the headquarters. Immediately. And I am to stress… immediately.”
Ra’Jirra looked at Dar’Amon, then back to the courier. “Oh…kay. What’s the emergency?”
“Just a Courier, Ma’am. I’ve got a wagon to take you there.”
Ra’Jirra picked up Dar’ Amon and followed the Courier back. He probably knew about the Alfiq, but protocol said he was not to be treated like anything but a normal cat when in public. The wagon was driven by another man, obviously experienced in navigating traffic. They arrived back at headquarters in record time.
“What do you mean, you didn’t think it was important?!”
Em was angry. Angrier than Raj had ever seen him before, and she felt even worse because it was directed at her. Worse yet, he was right to be.
“Look, Em, it was just magic pictures on a wall! The Altmer can conjure up anything. You know that. Just propaganda to get me to side with them.”
“Damn it Raj, you have to know it was important! You’ve been trained to report the littlest of things, yet you didn’t report this?!”
“I’m sorry Em.”
“Raj, I know you. I know you hate the Altmer. I think you didn’t want to share anything that could show them in a positive way. That’s it, isn’t it?”
“Not the Altmer,” she said, dejected. “The Dominion. They killed my friends. They killed Sarosh. They killed Ropes. Yes Em. You’re right. I should have reported it. I’m sorry, but I have come to hate them. They’re devious, cunning and dangerous. Believing anything they say is stupid!”
“Ra’Jirra, that’s not your call to make. But I see now you’ve lost your detachment. Do you understand what that means? Ra’Jirra, I can no longer trust you.”
She looked up at her mentor’s face. The anger was still there, but it was rapidly being overcome with a pitying look that made her eyes tear up.
“No! Em…”
“Ra’Jirra. I’m sorry too. But I can’t have you in the Service any longer. You’re fired.”
“Em! I can change! I can be dispassionate again!”
“No Ra’Jirra. You can’t. How long have we known each other? You’ve been one of my best agents. You’re not leaving with any dishonor. You are and will always be a friend to me as well, and I hope I will continue to be yours. But you are biased. For damned good reason, but the fact remains. You must leave the service. Now.”
Rajirra continued to look at him. She had always looked up to the big Cathay-Raht, though that was obvious. But she knew he was a father-figure to her as well. And now he was telling her to leave the family. It hurt. She felt the tears roll down her face, making tracks like a cheetah.
Em stepped close and put his arms around her. “I’m sorry, Raj. Really I am.”
She accepted his embrace and returned it. “Me too Em.”
“M’enji” he said, and she looked up uncomprehending through blurred eyes.
“My real name.”
“M’enji” she said, as if tasting the name. “You honor me.”
“I do. I have many contacts in the government, Raj. If you’re interested, I can find you a good placement.”
“I’m… really off the Service?”
“Yes Raj.”
She wiped the tears away, though they returned quickly. She looked away from him. “I’ll think about it, Em. I need some time to think.”
Then she laughed, incongruously. “I was going to tell you. Dar and I… we got engaged.”
“About time,” her former boss said. “Congratulations.”
“He’ll be happy to hear the news.”
“No he won’t, Raj. If he’s the man I think he is, he wants you to be happy. And you’re not happy. He won’t be celebrating anything today. But he may help you to understand. I am happy for you two, for what it’s worth.”
“Thank you Em,” she said, walking to the door. He followed her and stopped close behind when she didn’t open it. She looked around the room, realizing it was probably the last time she would stand within it.
“I’ll miss this place,” she said honestly, but her voice was returning to normal.
Em said nothing but put his oversized hand on her shoulder. She touched it briefly, then opened the door to the outer office.
“Miss Ponsonby,” he said with an official tone. “Please escort Ra’Jirra from the premises as soon as she’s gathered her belongings.”
The secretary’s eyes grew large, and Em nodded in assurance that she’d understood correctly.
Ra’Jirra left the office of the head of the HMSS, never to return.
Chapter 3
Em was not available when Dar’Amon and Ra’Jirra arrived at the HMSS headquarters, so she left her report with his secretary, Miss Ponsonby. Ra’Jirra and Miss Ponsonby had never been friends, but she had helped her after the Argonian affair, and she had gained a grudging respect for the surly old khajiit afterwards.
“You two just go back to your room. I’ll leave your report with Em and will have someone contact you and bring you back in when he returns.”
The two did as requested and spent the afternoon strolling the streets of Torval. The city had become quite crowded in recent years, with an influx of young khajiits relocating from the hard life of rural farmers and tradesmen to try and make a name for themselves in the Big City. Many of the impediments to living there had been improved as it had lost the putrid smell and congestion with advances in plumbing and sanitation. Even the crime rate had decreased significantly.
The two sat on a park bench, watching the pedestrians stroll by. Dar’Amon sat on Ra’Jirra’s shoulder, whispering in her sensitive ear so that his ability to speak wasn’t discovered.
“You know, this park didn’t even exist a few years ago. The Mane is really doing a good job making this city better,” he said.
“Oh, I know. It’s almost unrecognizable from the place I first visited ten years ago! I heard there’s talk of deepening the docks so bigger ships can port here.”
“All this change… I know it’s for the best, but sometimes…”
Ra’Jirra stroked the cat’s head beside her. “It’s too much. Too soon. We barely have enough time to figure out the new ways before something even newer comes along.”
“Well, what can you do? Just make do as best we can I suppose. Some things are starting to seem downright barbaric though.”
They watched as one of the Mane’s concubines passed by with her retinue, dressed in the her gauzy and transparent costume.
“Like that?” Ra’Jirra said when they’d passed by.
“Exactly like that. Look, even in my Alfiq state, I’m as… male as the next guy. But really…”
“You’re getting conservative in your old age, Dar.”
“Hmph. Probably. Have you ever met the Mane?”
“Me?! No. I know Em meets with him regularly, and I heard Queue had an interview with him during that Argonian thing. But no, I’ve never even been inside the Palace. I’ve seen him on the balcony during speeches of course.”
“I went inside once,” Dar’Amon confided. “Not officially. I just wanted to look around. Easy thing to do when you’re a cat.”
“Jeeze Dar! That’s an easy way to get yourself killed! It’s not like the guards don’t know an Alfiq from a real cat!”
Dar’Amon started licking a paw. “Ah… It was shortly after they’d shut down the research that made me… this. I was pretty depressed back then, knowing that I’d be stuck this way for the rest of my life. I don’t think I was exactly suicidal, just… I didn’t care much about life anymore.”
“Dar, you never told me that.”
“I know. I didn’t want you to think I was crazy in the head too. But yeah. It was a hard time for me. But I got over it eventually. You kind of have to. What else can you do?”
“Well, I’m glad you got over it.”
“Working for the HMSS helped a lot. And Em personally. He helped me see that, even in this state, I can still do a lot of good for Elsweyr.”
“So what was it like, in the Palace?”
“Oh, pretty much what you’d expect. All marble floors and gold leaf. I never saw the Mane, but I can tell you their kitchens have the most excellent fish!”
“I bet!”
Dar nudged her ear then. “Raj. I think that’s the HMSS courier! See him?”
Ra’Jirra stood up, letting Dar’Amon leap off her shoulder to the bench. The courier literally ran to them.
“You are Ra’Jirra?”
“I am. You’re from the HMSS?”
“Yes. You’re wanted at the headquarters. Immediately. And I am to stress… immediately.”
Ra’Jirra looked at Dar’Amon, then back to the courier. “Oh…kay. What’s the emergency?”
“Just a Courier, Ma’am. I’ve got a wagon to take you there.”
Ra’Jirra picked up Dar’ Amon and followed the Courier back. He probably knew about the Alfiq, but protocol said he was not to be treated like anything but a normal cat when in public. The wagon was driven by another man, obviously experienced in navigating traffic. They arrived back at headquarters in record time.
“What do you mean, you didn’t think it was important?!”
Em was angry. Angrier than Raj had ever seen him before, and she felt even worse because it was directed at her. Worse yet, he was right to be.
“Look, Em, it was just magic pictures on a wall! The Altmer can conjure up anything. You know that. Just propaganda to get me to side with them.”
“Damn it Raj, you have to know it was important! You’ve been trained to report the littlest of things, yet you didn’t report this?!”
“I’m sorry Em.”
“Raj, I know you. I know you hate the Altmer. I think you didn’t want to share anything that could show them in a positive way. That’s it, isn’t it?”
“Not the Altmer,” she said, dejected. “The Dominion. They killed my friends. They killed Sarosh. They killed Ropes. Yes Em. You’re right. I should have reported it. I’m sorry, but I have come to hate them. They’re devious, cunning and dangerous. Believing anything they say is stupid!”
“Ra’Jirra, that’s not your call to make. But I see now you’ve lost your detachment. Do you understand what that means? Ra’Jirra, I can no longer trust you.”
She looked up at her mentor’s face. The anger was still there, but it was rapidly being overcome with a pitying look that made her eyes tear up.
“No! Em…”
“Ra’Jirra. I’m sorry too. But I can’t have you in the Service any longer. You’re fired.”
“Em! I can change! I can be dispassionate again!”
“No Ra’Jirra. You can’t. How long have we known each other? You’ve been one of my best agents. You’re not leaving with any dishonor. You are and will always be a friend to me as well, and I hope I will continue to be yours. But you are biased. For damned good reason, but the fact remains. You must leave the service. Now.”
Rajirra continued to look at him. She had always looked up to the big Cathay-Raht, though that was obvious. But she knew he was a father-figure to her as well. And now he was telling her to leave the family. It hurt. She felt the tears roll down her face, making tracks like a cheetah.
Em stepped close and put his arms around her. “I’m sorry, Raj. Really I am.”
She accepted his embrace and returned it. “Me too Em.”
“M’enji” he said, and she looked up uncomprehending through blurred eyes.
“My real name.”
“M’enji” she said, as if tasting the name. “You honor me.”
“I do. I have many contacts in the government, Raj. If you’re interested, I can find you a good placement.”
“I’m… really off the Service?”
“Yes Raj.”
She wiped the tears away, though they returned quickly. She looked away from him. “I’ll think about it, Em. I need some time to think.”
Then she laughed, incongruously. “I was going to tell you. Dar and I… we got engaged.”
“About time,” her former boss said. “Congratulations.”
“He’ll be happy to hear the news.”
“No he won’t, Raj. If he’s the man I think he is, he wants you to be happy. And you’re not happy. He won’t be celebrating anything today. But he may help you to understand. I am happy for you two, for what it’s worth.”
“Thank you Em,” she said, walking to the door. He followed her and stopped close behind when she didn’t open it. She looked around the room, realizing it was probably the last time she would stand within it.
“I’ll miss this place,” she said honestly, but her voice was returning to normal.
Em said nothing but put his oversized hand on her shoulder. She touched it briefly, then opened the door to the outer office.
“Miss Ponsonby,” he said with an official tone. “Please escort Ra’Jirra from the premises as soon as she’s gathered her belongings.”
The secretary’s eyes grew large, and Em nodded in assurance that she’d understood correctly.
Ra’Jirra left the office of the head of the HMSS, never to return.
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