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Zargothrax: Something I made to celebrate the arrival of our new, split-loving member!

(Also, shamelessly art style thieving from Boogeestro (sorry m9 you draw too well).) I may have drawn the ears too large, giving her a particularly bat-loking appearance, but I kind-of liked the aesthetics of bat-kat, so I left it as it is.

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Sashimi: Dude! This is great! I am a huge fan of Boogs style and this is pays homage ti his earlier Prequel art nicely! Well done!

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SlashSeven: Hey that cutie bat-kitty has a pretty good shapes and flexibility!

I want to ask, if you dont mind, what member actually are you talking about?
I wanna celebrate with you guys

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Sashimi: Big ears are cute! Here's a Rajirra Boogs did for me earlier.

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Sashimi: @SlashSeven: You mean Boogeesrto? You can check out some of his stuff on DA https://www.deviantart.com/popular-all-time/?section=&global=1&q=boogeestro&offset=0

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Boogeestro: @Zargothrax: Aww Shucks, I'm flattered :'D

and don't worry for a second, big are are fantastic, and should be celebrated the world round.

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Rick2tails: cat gals are flexible ^_^

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DarthVader: I don’t mean to insult the creator of this really good art, but can anyone else see a bit of Wolf in Katia?

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Zargothrax: @Sashimi, @SlashSeven, @Boogeestro: Thank you guys, your positivity is infectious!

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Sashimi: @Zargothrax: You're welcome! I'm thankful to you guys for making wonderful art!

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Zargothrax: @Rick2tails: Not only that, but their shoulders as well. Cat collar bones are not connected to the clavicle, that's why they can squeeze through anything, once their head fits.

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DOOMGUY11: Omg the new arrival would be proud dont worry its difficult to art things and stuff
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twistNtwirl: Whoa! Katia looks so graceful and agile here! Great art!

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Zargothrax: @twistNtwirl: Thank you, it means a lot! Welcome to the boruu
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twistNtwirl: @Zargothrax: I feel very welcome indeed, thanks to you and your painting! I guess Katia doing flexible things is a thing now huh, haha! I guess I'll have to draw her being flexible another few times to reciprocate. :)
Here's to drawing Katia again and again and again! :D