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Uploader twistNtwirl,
Tags acrobatics character:Katia_Managan Katia's_Thief_Tunic pineapple yo-yo
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twistNtwirl: Just because you can do the splits, doesn't make you a ninja Katia ... Though you do look like one in that pose and outfit.

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SlashSeven: I noticed you changed her head a bit. Dont even know how it looks better.
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twistNtwirl: @SlashSeven: Haha! I tried my best! Does it look better?

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SlashSeven: @twistNtwirl: It looks awesome in both cases, dude, but I think her cheeks looks like a pair of brushes now :³

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Nicros_Man: That is epic!
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twistNtwirl: @SlashSeven: All the better to brush her hair with? HAHA! I'll see myself out now...

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Rick2tails: and thats why Khajiits are banned from gymnastics since they win all the time! ;)

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APayne1776: She's scratching her neck

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DOOMGUY11: @twistNtwirl: Shoot dude! Can I ask how long you've been drawing?

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Zargothrax: A demonstration of admirable skills!
(Referencing both athletic and artistic skills)
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twistNtwirl: @DOOMGUY11: Hey dude, I'm going to send you a private message. I'm going to tell you how I got to where I am now but I don't want to bother other people here with a TL;DR

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Bill: @Twist&Twirl sorry if this comes across wrong but I am truthfully interested in your art as well as learning how to more properly draw. Could you copy /past how you got this good to me too. Thanks

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SlashSeven: @twistNtwirl: May I ask for the same thing?

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Zargothrax: @twistNtwirl: In my opinion it would be a completely acceptable thing to "bother people here with a TL;DR". Even if it's long, noone is forced to read it, and in my opinion, many-many artists here would actually be interested in this information. Or maybe I'm just biased as I'm also known for sometimes leaving TL;DR ramblings.

But in case you disagree, please add me to the address list of said PM!

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Geravind: Whoa! Decent reach.

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Sashimi: @Zargothrax: I totally agree with yer statement! I too would like to be included in this informational outreach!