Lesser beings should be ashamed of their uncovered body. Tag such images with "questionable".


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Nicros_Man: Santa Katia! Aw! How nice of her to give gifts to Kvatch's orphans.

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DOOMGUY11: Shes breaking and entering, typical khajiit. At least shes giving and not stealing!

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WBGaming81: @DOOMGUY gues she used her lockpick for once

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Zargothrax: Santa Claws
I'll see myself out

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Rick2tails: when everyone goes "wont someone think of the poor children!?!" Katia will!
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twistNtwirl: The tail bells are really cute!

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PermanentFace: I'm pretty sure she's trespassing. Should I add the 'criminal_scum' tag?

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AMKitsune: @PermanentFace: But 'Santa Claws' here is clearly a member of the 'Christmas faction' and everyone know that for one night each year, every Christmas celebrating household is allied with the Christmas faction! (making it perfectly legal to enter their homes)

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SlashSeven: Perspective is not your thing but that pic's good at all. Cute :D

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Jakobqasadilla: This has got to be some roleplaying scum or something