Lesser beings should be ashamed of their uncovered body. Tag such images with "questionable".


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Dexterosaurus: Hello again! So, i did a thing. :)
Took me way longer then i thought.

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Dexterosaurus: By the way, drawing hands is the worst

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lapma: @Dexterosaurus: Indeed

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Bill: Good job, looks ESO era. BTW I found that just using a picture of the hand pose you want makes drawing it easier.

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Zargothrax: Whoah! This is epic!

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Zargothrax: (Btw, make sure to tag yourself as the artist)

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Dexterosaurus: Thanks! yes, i took some liberties with Oblivon designs, because, as much i love that game, it can be pretty damn ugly.

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PermanentFace: Heroes of the 4th Era? But the Oblivion Crisis, which judging by the gate in the background is the one they are facing, is 3E.

Also I am contractually obliged to say "Blech, Rajirra."

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Nicros_Man: WOW! The battle of Oblivion! Make it canon!

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Dexterosaurus: Intro specificaly said "closing days of third era", but i could be wrong, elder crolls dating is kinda confusing. Also, what is wrong with Rajirra?

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Dexterosaurus: @Nicros_Man: Thanks! That would be neat, wouldnt it? :)

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PermanentFace: @Dexterosaurus: Closing days of the Third Era, yes. The Era ended with the death of the Septim line, when Martin Septim sealed the dragonfires.

I know it can be hard to keep track of which khajiit is which, what with how they all look the same, but basically Rajirra's the nasty one. She's treated Katia like garbage since she first arrived in Kvatch and ultimately locked her in a room to die alone at the hands of a horrible monster.

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Sashimi: @Dexterosaurus: Awesome pic! Love to see the ladies of Prequel together.

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Dexterosaurus: @PermanentFace: Ah, i see. Thanks for correcting me. I just remembered the intro, and presumed oblivion crisis was at begining of fourth era. My bad. :)

As for Rajirra, i know which khajiit is which. Besides, this picture takes place in future, so who knows how her character might turn out. And honestly, Rajirra is one less hostile people Katia has met.

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Dexterosaurus: @Sashimi: Thanks! Wanted to do more Characters (Gaius as divine crusader for example) but thought that would be bit too much.

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PermanentFace: The only people more hostile than Rajirra that Katia has met are Gharug, who's a career criminal and murderer, and Sigrid, who has been under the influence for most of the time we've known her.

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Sashimi: @Dexterosaurus: Well I hope to see more pics with a mix of characters!

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DOOMGUY11: Why tf this so gud? You make me cri it's so beautiful! I want to see mor

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Dexterosaurus: @Sashimi: Dont hold your breath, im bit of a slowpoke.

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Sashimi: @Dexterosaurus: Hey, no worries there! As long as you enjoying yourself, that's what matters.