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Bill: Took Doomguy's pic and pixelated and colored it. Not trying to flood the booru I swear.

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Sashimi: No kill!

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Kazerad: I'm ONTO YOU Bill, trying to shift targets like that.

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Bill: OH noes my cultists ways have been dpotted. Got to lay low now

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Bill: Spotted* I need to go back to preschool.

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Rick2tails: well Killing is a bit extreme.A very good stern talking to ,defending herself and putting that other khajiit in her place is called for.Even Sigrid seems not worthy of being killed now tha shes chilled a bit. I could see killing green boy though

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Bill: Yeah Gro-Upp needs to grow up. Maybe not kill more like imprisonment as in solitary confinement in the Imperial Cities prison right next to the protagonists cell.

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Plastiware: Missed opportunity for "Kill Quill"

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Bill: @Plastiware: That's pretty good apart from the fact of Quill's friendship with Katia. Also I doubt Quill would blow Katia's head in.

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PermanentFace: Kill Quill has the obvious advantage of rhyming with the original, but this still feels like a more suitable riff.

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DOOMGUY11: @Bill: Bill... Oh my God thanks!

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Bill: @DOOMGUY11: your very much welcome!

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ProZone: I just saw both Kill Bills for the first time. I gotta say, seeing this not too long afterwards is pretty nice.