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Uploader lapma,
Tags artist:lapma beautiful character:Katia_Managan hoodie_katia portrait TES_Online yellow_eyes
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lapma: My first attempt on digital painting. But most important, finally some Elsweyr in TES.

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Bill: Good work! The shading and color work is beyond exceptional! Im also very hyped for Elswheyr's appearance in the new update.

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vsauce4: @lapma: This is really good!! shes so cute!!

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Geravind: Aww... you're nearing other artists style here.

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bluedraggy: The whiskers are usually avoided, but they work very well here IMHO. Lapma, I am truly impressed. You get bonus points. :)

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Zargothrax: This is beautiful

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Nicros_Man: WOW! That's a good portrait dude.

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SlashSeven: lapma! nice style dude, i like

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XenoYparxi: I think if we'll take an anthropomorphic creature (such as khajiit) at its current evolutionary stage the whiskers would just be not there as they become redundant in a human scale and if we'll also take away the fact that such anthropomorphic creatures are most likely not possible

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Sashimi: This is very nice, Lapma!

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lapma: I will start my winter holidays in a few days. So i hope to make some more paintings, if you have any ideas or request fell free to PM me.
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Lbrd00: Can I use this as a steam profile pic?

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lapma: @Lbrd00: sure