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SlashSeven: love that expression on her face... heh, pretty

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XenoYparxi: "I do not like this painting, Charlie. Its smug aura mocks me"

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Rick2tails: Is she gonna make roasted pineapple or something?

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Bill: Katia is slowly becoming a vampire with the introduction or should I say reintroduction of Fangs into the fan art pages.

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vsauce4: finally some good fucking food

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APayne1776: I really like this art style

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SlashSeven: Oh, I got it. Her eyes look upward b'coz the metaphysical force of her physical pineapple interlocks with some interesting lovely puss forces what makes she take her lip deep in pleasure and show out some cute fangs~ btw why the hell having small fangs is always so much adorable?

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Bill: @SlashSeven: Because Fangs are fancy!