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Filthypaladin: Happy Birthday... you!

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bluedraggy: Aw, cmon guys. It's cute, admit it.
Thanks Filthy! Your Kazlike abilities are still Kazlike - right down to the humor...
well, of this one anyway! :)

Although I wouldn't let that cake near my mouth. Sorry Katia. As always, the sentiment is right.
The execution is a little less than everyone else's average though.

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Rick2tails: but would you lick the frosting off of her..cake ?

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SlashSeven: Happy Birthday whoever you talking about, cutie. Thats awful sweet of you.
...I would appreciate this cake if that was me regardless of it's quality and edibility.

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MrCoopy: ew

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Filthypaladin: @bluedraggy: thx dud!

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APayne1776: It's two months away but thanks
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hypeonthemic: thank you ???

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MintyFresh: Shoot I'll take the cake,
free cake is good cake.

Thanks Katia you absolute meme.

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EverestingLink: She tried and that’s all that matters

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Caps: The effort is what really counts here.