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bluedraggy: Sort of a valentine for... somebody. :) Boogeestro drew and colored this a while back. I did a bit more on it today, adding the background and shading. And hey, after that Shrekjirra, she deserves a little something nice.

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Sashimi: Thank goodness for sure! This is truly a wonderful pic! Thanks Boogs and Draggy! :Pleased:

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Rick2tails: very pretty and yeah this eye bleaches out that swamp pic

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vsauce4: @Rick2tails: bruh

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Sashimi: @Rick2tails: Indeed!

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AMKitsune: @bluedraggy: I'm curious as to how this works. I can't find the original, unaltered version anywhere on Boogeestro's FA or twitter pages, so how do you get hold of these things to work on in the first place? Does he post them to a discord server or something, or are these drawn at your request and then sent to you directly?

Also, that's one CHUNKY necklace!

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bluedraggy: Boogs is notoriously bad at posting the stuff he draws actually. Usually he draws stuff on a picarto stream and since I'm on the stream he'll send me the finished product. He's learned I love to color stuff, so sometimes he'll send me the .psd (or I'll ask for it). I'd say only 10% of what he draws ever finds it's way out to the public. However, that may change - and should. He deserves more recognition than he gets.

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SaintDumos: @bluedraggy: He really does. This stuff is amazing, and your addition to his drawing just makes it all the more lively and colourful. Keep it up, you two!

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Sashimi: @AMKitsune: The original.

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Sashimi: I was tempted to post the original, but I've really refrained from posting any more of my commissions here due to drama.

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Sashimi: The model for the pose.

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Sashimi: If anyone wishes to see more of Boogeestro's art that hasn't been posted anywhere, you can pm me.

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Skoon: WOO WOO WOO!!!
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Arcikeligo: Amazing artwork. It has this funky pose though, I don't know but something just looks a bit off. Other than that it looks great

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Sashimi: @Arcikeligo: Well, she's leaned over to the side more in the drawing versus the reference photo, so her torso has more of an arc. It was more clear before the dress was added and obscured it.
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Arcikeligo: @Sashimi That clears it up, thanks!

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Sashimi: @Arcikeligo:

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PermanentFace: Oh good grief.