DAEDRIC FUN TIP: If sidebar menus offend you, destroy them by clicking their header. Image Uploader KuroNeko, April 24, 2019; 15:02 Tags artist:KuroNeko booze character:Katia_Managan character:Naked_Atronach character:Quill-Weave clannfear Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow daedra daedric_armor dremora flame_atronach masser Oblivion scamp Secunda text Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible April 24, 2019; 16:24 - Reply FrscoThaProducer: Well. I am impressed with your devotion to completing that side story. April 24, 2019; 20:27 - Reply Filthypaladin: All great adventures start with a stupid idea! April 24, 2019; 22:49 - Reply Miki: I do it all the time! =) April 29, 2019; 00:04 - Reply KuroNeko: @FrscoThaProducer: thanks^^ @Filthypaladin: They also tend to end with a stupid idea... and blood, lots of blood. Let's just hope Katia is still at the start of her adventure. @Miki: Me too, this is pretty much how well my first run into an oblivion gate went. April 29, 2019; 06:58 - Reply AMKitsune: Let's hope she has a high enough athletics skill for this. May 12, 2019; 10:20 - Reply PermanentFace: It may be worth noting that this flame atronach appears to be naked. It could be an old friend? May 12, 2019; 15:03 - Reply KuroNeko: @PermanentFace: It is, that's why she's waving at her. May 13, 2019; 06:43 - Reply lapma: @KuroNeko: Flame atronach was my favorite enemy in oblivion in my playthrough as a khajiit atronarch mage. they always gave some free magicka.
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@Filthypaladin: They also tend to end with a stupid idea... and blood, lots of blood. Let's just hope Katia is still at the start of her adventure.
@Miki: Me too, this is pretty much how well my first run into an oblivion gate went.
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