Deleted images are cast into Oblivion along with their creators.


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damrok4321: I actually had this scene in my dream so in strong flow of motivation I decited to draw

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Rick2tails: "its dangerous to go alone" *accompanies her*

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DarthVader: @Rick2tails: you’re a fool! I would be better company.

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AMKitsune: @damrok4321: Must have been a pretty dream, because it resulted in a very nice picture .
@DarthVader: Come on now, don't try hording the cat all to yourself. If you can't share, Kazerad might come and put her back on the top shelf for another 24 months. No one wants that. Do you? (also, I never imagined you as the 'enjoying moonlit strolls' kind of sith lord.)

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DarthVader: @AMKitsune: Come on now, Katia Doesn’t want to go out with a thousand people every time that’s putting more stress on her than she ever needs. Besides she only needs one person and it should be me.

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Dominik: @damrok4321: i would do anything to have such dreams. You are lucky

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KuroNeko: @damrok4321: How many fluffy kittens did you sacrifice to lord Vaermina to have such pleasant dreams?

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damrok4321: @KuroNeko: too many...