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bluedraggy: By my count it's been 21 images since the last Questionable, so I'm correcting that here. Good news - this is 100% my work. (sorta) Bad news - tracing was involved, specifically over a RL image and a Kaz-drawn Rajirra. With luck, I've combined them well enough to compensate so it doesn't look like a cat-head stuck on top, or a blatant Kazerad ripoff. Also, this is undoubtedly borderline too hot for the booru - I understand that. Time for those mods to earn their pay and decide if it stays or not! And yes, of course there's an alternate version.

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DarthVader: Really good job on the art!

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Dominik: Looks cool

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Sashimi: I...I see nothing questionable here! Loverly works! And Raj, are you just about done with your coffee?

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Rick2tails: you cant see anything questionable but theres the implication/suggestion Raj just had sex with the viewer that night

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Sashimi: @Rick2tails: Oh she's just referrin to.....finger paintin, yeah that's it, totally innocent activities.

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Unidentified_BA: @bluedraggy: It's probably fine, there are certainly more questionable things, not even including the secret part of the booru only for the mods. Though we don't get paid, at least I don't.

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bluedraggy: Oh, yeah - that's right. Kaz told me one of the mods was unpaid. Didn't specify which. They laugh at you behind your back. (er.. yes, this was a joke.) But sounds like I failed to cause enough controversy. That's okay, I've a QW coming up that may do a better job. (not really)

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Sashimi: @bluedraggy: Of course there will be a QW! Of that I have no doubt.

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Rick2tails: I just want Quill to show back up in the comic again
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mercrantos: My friend wants to know where the alternate version is haha

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bluedraggy: If he has an affinity for fur and knows my name, I suspect he could find it.

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Geravind: Khajiit approves.
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Killyellowcatnow: Yes