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Uploader KuroNeko,
Tags adorable animation artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave
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KuroNeko: This is not very good but I'm still happy with how it turned out, this is the first time I try animating something.

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Zargothrax: It's not everyday that we see a hand-drawn animation here, well done!

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Dominik: @KuroNeko: Hope it's not the last time too, it really looks good

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AMKitsune: @KuroNeko: I'm also looking forward to seeing what else you may animate in the future.
If I may offer a little input however, while the individual frames are very well drawn, the timing feels a little off. I'm not sure if your going for more of a 'slow rise from the water' or 'energetic eruption', but the smoothness with which she ascends doesn't math up with the relative snappiness that she comes back down with.

I had a little go at tweaking the timing (and faking some intermediate frames) to see if I could get the motion looking a little smoother, although I'm not thrilled with how my attempt came out.

The main point I tried to address with this was to have her spend a little longer at the peak of her ascension and for her eye opening to be faster. Basically, to put a little more emphasis on the keyframes of the animation.

Honestly, there are people here far more qualified to talk about this kind of stuff than myself, so hopefully they'll be able to be of more help than I can.

All that aside though, this is adorable as heck!

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vsauce4: wow, you're so talented. well done!

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Sashimi: Oh my! That was a nice surprise!

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KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: @vsauce4:Thank you

@AMKitsune: Thank you very much for your Imput, criticism is always welcome, especially on things like this where I'm just starting out. Yeah I see what's the problem with the timing, I'll keep that in mind for the next ones.

@Dominik: Thanks and this is certainly not the last time, I'm already working on another one.

@Sashimi: Glad you like it

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Rick2tails: hey this is cute! more please!

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Cloud: I like your lovely little lizard lady.

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KuroNeko: @Rick2tails: @Cloud: Thanks, glad you like it