The only reward you shall receive is eternal pain and maybe a comment or two.


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PermanentFace: Please no.

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Jim_North: How much for the entire tub, khajiit girl included?

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Rick2tails: I would only buy it if I can have Katia with the water
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Vinarto: @Jim_North: Oh, not much, just... YOUR SOUL!

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vsauce4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9flRh5Ytto

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Sashimi: @vsauce4: TIME!

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Sashimi: So just how much water does one receive in this purchase?

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Zargothrax: Didn't see this coming

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Dominik: @Vinarto: Fine, o'dim, this time you got me. Where do i have to sign?

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fastolaf: how much for your toilet water, katia?

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APayne1776: Ummm... No

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AMKitsune: SCARY CARD? Oh boy, that's the best kind of CARD!
@fastolaf: Ahem *adjusts monocle*, I think you'll find the proper term to be 'eau de toilette'. Much more dignified and marketable XD