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Tags animation artist:KuroNeko books character:Quill-Weave monochrome reading
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KuroNeko: I'm practicing animations with Quill reading a book. Now that I have a proper light source it's now much easier to do these animations.
Still I'm not entierelly satisfied with this, especially her head.

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Dominik: @KuroNeko:This one looks good but if you don't like it then hopefully you will create something that will satisfy you

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AMKitsune: @KuroNeko: If I may, I've got a few observations that you may find useful.
The angle of her head seems very high for reading the book in its current position. It feels like it would be more natural and relaxed for her head to be tilted further down.
Given that she looks like she's holding the book with both hands, the flipping page seems a weird in its stiffness and motion. It would make sense if it were 'flicked' from one side to the other (although that would involve a degree of page bending while on its way) or if she was turning the page by hand, but as it is, it looks like the page is turning by itself. A possible alternative for a scene like this could be for her to close and reopen the book. It's hard to say without actually seeing it in motion, but that feels like it should convey the 'turning the page' message.
Finally, I always imagine lizard tails as being attached to their host body at their widest point, but the tail here seems to taper off to a narrow point before connecting to the body. Perhaps that's a stylistic choice on your part, in which case, don't mind this, but it just strikes me as seeming a bit 'wrong'.

That aside though, a very nice image. The imperfections and 'wiggle' that come from individually drawn frames like this are just so endearing and she looks so engrossed in what she's reading. Actually, that raises one last tiny suggestion. In instances where the inside of a book is visible, perhaps covering the pages with some 'fake text' squiggly lines could help make it more readily apparent that they're actual pages? It's easy enough to tell once you look at the animation as it is, but the blank pages probably aren't helping much in that regard.

Keep up the good work!

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PermanentFace: Neat! But why is she dressed like a mage?

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KuroNeko: @Dominik: Thanks, it's not really that I don't like it but more like I know I could have done better if only I had avoided some stupid mistakes.

@AMKitsune: As always thank you very much for your helpful advices

@PermanentFace: Oh, it's her usual outfit, I just felt like adding some decorations to it.
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Bettervvizer: Damn, nice lizard toe-beans @KuroNeko! Any way we can contact you outside of here?

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KuroNeko: @Bettervvizer: Yes you can contact me on deviantart https://www.deviantart.com/kuronneko