Only fools seek to voice their distaste. Enlightened beings use the blacklist to shun such distractions.


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KuroNeko: The first panel might look a bit weird, it's because I had made a mistake with the perspective that I corrected with paint.

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Dominik: Oh my, it's hard to convince her that she didn't fucked up that much.

And pictures look cool, of course

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: Would not have noticed if you hadn't mentioned it. Even now, the only part that sticks out there is paint's lack of anti-aliasing.

I've noticed this earlier, but you draw metal really well. The Even with it's simplicity it gives the impression of the correct material. Nice work, as always!

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PermanentFace: Boy, this random stranger who doesn't know anything about saving the world sure is being a contrarian pain in the ass.

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KuroNeko: @Dominik: When someone is persuaded they are bad, it's really hard to make them change their mind.
and thanks.

@Zargothrax: Thank you. Also good thing the correctoins I've made doesn't show too much.

@PermanentFace: Yeah who does she think she is, some sort of hero? probably some adventurer who just starting out and think they know everything because they killed a mudcrab.