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dex_go_loco: My second digital drawing! Hope it’s better than the last! Tell me what you think in the comments

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lapma: @dex_go_loco: It is cool, better than my first for sure,still i think that white dont suit katia's eyeballs.

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KuroNeko: @dex_go_loco: It's always nice to see Katia happy like that.
There is a lot of improvement since the last one, the proportions are better, especially the head and the hands, good job.

@lapma: I can't believe I've never noticed that Katia eyes are yellow and not white.

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: Yellow eyes can be a symptom of a damaged liver, which is common with alcoholics. It all makes sense now.

@dex_go_loco: Nicely drawn kvatch arena armor! Especially with the wolf emblem. I usually have to redraw that multiple times as it always turns out goofy. Very nice background, and pose, cute paw pads! The front of the chest appears somewhat flat. Possible solutions I can come up with: the skirt should arc inwards around the side of her hip, some shading on one side could help too. The belt is drawn well for it's angle, it's just an unfortunate angle. Had her hip be tilted back a little, or if the she was leaning a little, the belt would not have been dead-on front view, in which case it could have arced too, (following and) showing off the roundness of the body. Overall: great improvement compared compared to the previous!

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damrok4321: looks great :D

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Rick2tails: this looks very cute especially for a 2nd picture

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Dominik: Nice one!