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damrok4321: LOVE IT, please do more

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Zargothrax: Say no to moon sugar, fellas. Especially you Kat, you're supposed to be allergic to it.
And yeah these are amazing! Especially the angles from which the plot is captured in some panels. 4th panel for example. Many would probably just draw this scene from the side, showing both characters, but this angle emphasizes Quill concern way better. Not your first comic right?

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KuroNeko: Skyrim opening in 3...2...1...
But seriously this is great, keep it up

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OgTariq: This is amazing lol

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semiafro007: thanks for all the positive messages, I really appreciate it

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AMKitsune: And that, my dear miss Weave, is why you don't give in to peer pressure and do something just because someone else does so.
Unless of course, you really didn't care that much in the first place and just put on an act of hesitation to seem respectable. You sneaky, sneaky lizard you.

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Dominik: Wonder how will it end...

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Rick2tails: this was a trip! MOAR plz!