Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...


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KuroNeko: A scene from the mysterious codex prequelis. It depict U Yok'ol Bàalam, the sad jaguar, waking up in Tejo K'u'umel, the good hearted snake, who is said to be the one who put U yok'ol bàalam on the path for a better life.

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semiafro007: como mola la estética maya, buen trabajo tío

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Dominik: It definietly deserves a place in, at least, one Elder Scroll

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Zargothrax: This is certainly one of the most unique takes on Prequel I've seen on this boruu!
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DirtyBlue929: The names translate (roughly) to "Crying Jaguar" and "Yeowed Feathers"

This makes me wonder if the glyphs on the top mean anything. I'll have to dig up my old anthropology notes...

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KuroNeko: @semiafro007: Gracias.

@Dominik: Is that an indirect way to tell me this is so bad it makes you go blind :p

@Zargothrax: Thanks, I think I'll do more of this, maybe in a greek vase style or maybe an egyptian style, I even have a couple of papyrus I can use, I just need to find a good scene to draw.

@DirtyBlue929: I put this behind spoiler just in case you want to try to translate it. The glyph translate to written phonetically, it lack a "r" and "n" because I read somewhere that those letter didn't exist but I'm not sure.

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CoCoNO: Nice, mayan drawings.
No joke this is original and cool

I would like to see more prequel remaked into mayan

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KuroNeko: @CoCoNO: Thank you, I don't know if i'll do more of that style but I can only encourage people to try it, it's pretty fun to emulate those old artstyle an not as easy as it may seems.

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Dominik: @KuroNeko: Ok, i admit, i forgot about that "blind effect". Still, i meant that it's good

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PermanentFace: This is so fucking weird and I love it.

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KuroNeko: Thanks. Yeah the antic mesoamerican style is pretty weird, it's really fun to draw.