Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...


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Tags adorable artist:KuroNeko character:Dodger monochrome snow
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KuroNeko: Dodger seeing snow for the first time after coming to Cyrodil.

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Tabby_Catface: This picture feels kinda snowely warm.

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bluedraggy: You just keep doing what you do KuroNeko. Even your nightmares are nightmarishly adorable!

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semiafro007: don´t you forget, Dodger, that the yellow snow is lemon slush, give it a try

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KuroNeko: @bluedraggy:

@semiafro007: Don't bully the innocent lizardgirl

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semiafro007: @KuroNeko: innocent? she is a criminal!

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KuroNeko: @semiafro007: But she failed to break the law everytime she tried, her only crime is to be bad at being bad.

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AMKitsune: @KuroNeko:

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KuroNeko: @AMKitsune: Oh shit you're right. Quick someone call the guards, we have a criminal on the loose

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Caps: She is such a cutie.
Do you have a deviantart account?

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KuroNeko: @Caps: Yes, https://www.deviantart.com/kuronneko

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Caps: @Kuroneko thanks. : )