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Nicros_Man: Oh btw! I did realise that I did a big mistake on the drawing right when post it! I thought this was a mistletoe, but I'm wrong! This is a holly! I hope everyone would not make that mistake again! Merry Christmas/Happy Saturalia!

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semiafro007: kiss, kiss, kiss, KISS

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lapma: It has been a while since last upload. Good to see you again.

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KuroNeko: Aw that's sweet, I like Katia's expression.

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Tabby_Catface: Your works are inspiring! Glad you're posting here again.

Merry Christmas to ya

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Nicros_Man: @Tabby_Catface: Aww Thank you! Merry Christmas!

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Rick2tails: the holly = mistletoe is a very common mistake. its not like such plants are common everyday ones and media /art often gets them wrong

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DarthVader: Very good work on your art! And it’s ok, we all learn from our mistakes and thus we can fix it… sometimes.

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Dominik: Awww, it's soooo cute! And merry christmas

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Nicros_Man: @Dominik: Thank you! It's kinda funny that your OC looks kinda like mine. But oh well, I appreciate your liking of my ship.

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Dominik: @Nicros_Man: I will definietly change my OC, it looks almost like your. I don't want anyone to think that i was copying you. If you thought like that, then i am sorry, didnt mean that

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @Dominik: All Khajiit look the same confirmed.

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Nicros_Man: @Dominik: No, I wasn't thinking like that. Your OC is fine. He doesn't have tiger patterns on him. But if his backstory is similar then... yeah.