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Uploader TempIntel,
Tags artist:TempIntel Blade character:Katia_Managan crossover star_wars
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TempIntel: Ooops wrong prequel

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KuroNeko: That's really cool, nice work.
Just a little detail, her thumbs should go around the lightsaber and can't be visible from that angle.

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AMKitsune: @KuroNeko: You see, the problem here is that you're assuming that Katia knows how to competently wield a sword.
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TempIntel: @KuroNeko Thanks again for the critique! I had trouble with the hands I knew there was something wonky about them.
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TempIntel: @AMKitsune Katia: You underestimate my power?!

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Caps: Really cool drawing. ; )

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DarthVader: I am your father!

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Caps: @DarthVader https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbeR6uYxU50

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Dominik: Pretty good

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Rick2tails: jedi cat