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KuroNeko: A little thing I wanted to try for a while. I apologize to all the people whom I butchered the art and to those I couldn't include because of lack of space.
Also, semiafro007, since you change your artstyle a lot (it's really great by the way) I opted for the very cartoonish style you used in the last page of your comic, there's a special charm to it.

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damrok4321: Hey, it's me :D Every single arty style here is great, we're creating awesome community. Love you all and your art. No homo

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KuroNeko: And bluedraggy's part come straight out of one of his fic, so I guess it doesn't really count as imitating his style.

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KuroNeko: @damrok4321: Eh, very glad you like it. And I agree, the community here is so friendly and great, it's such a rare thing on the internet. You're all awesome people

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Tabby_Catface: I love the variety of whiskers here! Especially the ones above my name.
Hm,I should try to draw em that way.

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Rick2tails: so many katias

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XenoYparxi: Mine is supposed to have the skull proportions closer to human's, and the eyes aren't supposed to be that pointy, but I'm flattered I got included!

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KuroNeko: @XenoYparxi: Yeah that what I figured out for the skull (though I didn't notice the eyes) but I guess I couldn't completly get rid of the way I draw Katia, it's really hard to change your style especially for one as unique as yours. I'll take more time to practice next time and I'll do better.

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KuroNeko: @Tabby_Catface: You're going to draw lynx Katia? :p (I just noticed I messed up her chin, it's not facing the right direction)

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XenoYparxi: @KuroNeko: good job anyway! experimentation is always good

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Tabby_Catface: @KuroNeko: it's ok, you'll do better next time :p

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semiafro007: It´s an honor to be in that list, I really appreciate it

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Zargothrax: I love how derpy mine is
But in all seriousness, thank you for including me, it gives a warm, fuzzy feeling. No homo.

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bluedraggy: You know, KuroNeko, once you start down this path you have to include everyone or somebody will feel bad. Are you INTENTIONALLY making people feel bad? Why would you do that? (that's a joke btw.)

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KuroNeko: @semiafro007: @Zargothrax: Very glad you like it, it was my pleasure to try to draw in your style

@bluedraggy: Coming up next: prequel ultimate, everyone is here. (though seriously, I'll try this againg in the future so I'll definitly include more people next time)

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Sashimi: Awesome, Kuro!

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Caps: It is really cute.
I dont know how did I miss it.

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KuroNeko: @Sashimi: @Caps: Thanks

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Caps: @Kuroneko You are welcome. ; )