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Tags artist:_Capsy character:bartender character:Katia_Managan MS_Paint pixel_art
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Caps: I have never did fanart of anything in my life before.
I hope it is enough.
Sorry for not posting it yesterday, I had to travel to Cordoba due to some people passing away. I had been bsy all day yesterday.

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Caps: It is kinda easy to draw stuff like this, you have just add point by point.
Draw in MS paint.
I´m not an artist so I guess some color are wrong.
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TempIntel: Your MS paint skills are admirable. I like to use the dot tool and or turning off anti-aliasing in FireAlpaca for blocky art. I'm sorry for your loss, I hope things get better in Spain.

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Caps: Thanks, I didn´t lose anybody of my family. I work in a mortuary and we traveled to pick up some people who passed away. However, I apreciate the feelings anyway. ; )

Thanks, I have never drawed before so I guess this silly drawing is okay. (I don´t think I have any big skill for it though) ; )

Hopefully, things are going well here in Argentina. ; )
Thanks again for the sentiments.

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Caps: How are the things going on over there?

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Caps: @Tempintel I don´t know anything about those programs but if you want to know how I ade it, I just zoom in all I can in MS paint and then proced to draw point by point the lines of it and refill the empy spaces. It´s not a big deal. ; )
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TempIntel: You write/speak English pretty well for an Argentine, you speak better than most Americans including myself, lol. I'm up North in Michigan, U.S. it's fine up here. I have friends and family in healthcare and they say it's manageable for now, unlike some other parts of the country like NY.

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Caps: Thanks again. : )
I have my years of speaking with other americans so it may have to do with that. ; P
And well, I'm glad everything is going well so far over there. And I hope your family end up well too. I'm sure it will not last forever, that this virus will problably die during this month or the next one. People of NY and other places will have to just keep doing quarentine until then.
Here, it is not a big deal so far. The goverment acted very early about it when it was happening in Europe. So far, there were only 12 death and around 130 infected in all the country until now. It is not really a big number. And apperently the virus is starting to die out here. The bad thing about it here is that street are totally empty and we really can't go out of our houses. We are all day closed inside.
Luckly, the shops that sell stuff like alcohol are doing deliveries of the thing people buy through the internet, and the goverment is closing those shops who are trying to take advantage of the situations by overpricing things necessary to people.
I really wish the best for your family and you over there.
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GrizzlyBear: Tracing is a good start for artists. I still trace some parts of my art, not because I’m new or anything, I’m just lazy. But if you trace someone else’s work, be sure to tag that artist too
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TempIntel: @Caps, Thanks for the kind words, it's a very depressing situation all around, but it has brought countries and people together. We have very lax business regulations compared to other countries so you would think markets would price gouge but they haven't yet. Our prices on oil and gas have dropped soo much, I could drive for miles, but there's no where to go. I'm currently in college trying to earn my degree in Accounting/Business, but 1 of my professors did not want to teach online, so that is put on hold for now. If there's anything good that comes out of this, its that the govt will finally see the weaknesses of our healthcare systems and try to improve it. It will be cool to tell younger people in the future that we both survived a pandemic XD.

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lapma: This is cool I rly like the one in kvatch arena armor it is simply adorable.

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Caps: @Templntel you are welcome. ; ) people need all the moral or help possible in this times. I do hope things gets better over there.
It really sucks than just for one teacher you are not able to progress with your education this year. You should make an online petition with your class partners to demand that all of you want to get online classes with that one teacher who decided to don't do his job. Or reemplace him with another teacher who can do his job. I don't really know how it is in your country with the healthcare but if it is bad, I hope your people get to change it for the common good of all of you. ; )

And yeah, it will be really awesome if people made t-shirts with the phrase "I survived the coronavirus" after all this ends. ; P

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Caps: @Grizzlybear Sure,for the head on the left I made it based on the face Katia did in the webcomic when she striked an adventure pose, I also used a pixeled Katia face as a guide. That face was made by anonymous: https://www.pixilart.com/art/katia-managan-face-761e9bb4d2b4ac7
For the other faces, they are all based on different pages from Kaz's webcomic too.
The tiny head on the upper right, it is based on the Katia' sprite from Kaz's flash games.

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Caps: I don't know how to put the source link.

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Caps: @Lapma Thanks. : ) I really apreciate it.

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semiafro007: @Caps: ostias, eres de Argentina? Como van las cosas por ahí? espero que bien, me imagino que estaréis de cuarentena dentro de vuestras casas

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Caps: @semiafro007 Bien, por lo menos las cosas acan estan bien. No hay muchos afectados aca por el virus. Como que el gobieeno actuo rapido cuando se estaba dando el virus en Europa, y se pudo prevenir por mucho el impacto que pudo haber tenido el virus aca. Que yo sepa aca en Cordoba solamente se dio 12 casos de muertes y 36 infectados.
Y si, no queda otra que hacer cuarentena adentro de las casas. Las calles estan vacias aca lo cual es raro ver. Sin embargo, ya se ha anunciado que en este mes el virus ya ha comenzado a decaer aca. Y estamos viendo si en este mes o en el que viene si se termina la cuarentena.
Haya en España, como estan con la epidemia?

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semiafro007: En mi pueblo estamos bien, pero se que en las ciudades más grandes la cosa esta chunga, seguro que de casa no salimos hasta por lo menos junio.
En fin, yo estoy muy bien, lo que más me jode es que ahora no me paran de mandar emails con trabajos para hacerlos, pero por lo demás bien.

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KuroNeko: Those are pretty cool, looks like pixel art.
I really like the top right one.

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Tabby_Catface: This IS pixelart Neko. Good attempt though

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Caps: @kuroneko Thanks. : )
It was fun to mess around with MS Paint. ; )

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Caps: @Kuroneko however, I guess I failed the challenge since I don't have a mouse. ; )
I only have my laptop touch pad wich is very hard to make curve lines. That's why I screwed around with it a little to see what I could do and ended up with this. It is obiously nothing like your drawings or everybody else's drawings here but I'm quite happy with what I got at the end.

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Caps: @Tabby_Catface Thanks. : )
I would like to make more in the future. ; )

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Dominik: It looks pretty cool thou. Good job :)

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lapma: @Caps: On touch pad instead of mouse? You outdid the challenge, I can't imagine something harder/ more annoying than drawing on touchpad.

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AMKitsune: @lapma: The 'mouse keys' option perhaps?

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Caps: @Dominik Thanks. ; )
I really apreciate it.

@Lapma Thanks. : )
Yeah, touch pads are not the best thing to draw on a computer. I drawed a few more Kattias's faces before these ones, trying different things with each one of them. I ended up a little late doing them, so to don't stay more time I decided to just upload them how I finished them.(that's why the bartender is unfinished)
I guess I should have gave him a different fur color since it looks very similar to the color of his eyes. (I don't really know a lot about colors so I tried to give him a different fur color to the one Kattia has) and I should stood a little more time to give him some shadow too I guess.

@AMKitsune I used the keys of the touch pad to draw it.