Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.


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GrizzlyBear: Very first Scheppy fanart. Really well done too

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Un_Mapache: S N E K

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AMKitsune: @Un_Mapache: M A J I K S N E K

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Caps: @grizzlybear thanks. X) I apreciate it.

@Pronin thanks. I don't really know how to use tags.

@AMKitsune and @Un_Mapache B E S T M A J I K S N E K

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lapma: @Caps: Wow that was fast, and tags are easy just write words you want with "_" instead of spacebar not "#" needed, for example artist:lapma character:Katia_Managan etc.

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Caps: @Lapma thanks.;)
I will try to do it like that next time I upload something.

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APayne1776_2: Magic Noodle

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KuroNeko: Woah, scleepy art already
Great pixel art, this make me think someone should make snake game with scleepy eating restoration symbols.

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Caps: @APayne Very Magic Noodle ; )

@Kuroneko Thanks a lot. ; )
That would be really cute. Though I have never really played any of those games. ; )

How is the self isolation going?

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lapma: @Caps: No problem hope you will find it usefull
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TempIntel: what a cute snek! "magic snakes confirmed in next elder scrolls"

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Caps: @Templntel Thanks, best snakes are the best.

@Lapma I will. ; )