The only reward you shall receive is eternal pain and maybe a comment or two.


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KuroNeko: This was inspired by my personal suffering of having to shell peas today.

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: Sounds like hell.

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KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: It pretty much is. Green hell.

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Caps: @KuroNeko: I guess coocking is not your stronghold. They are delicious with metballs, rice and sauce. ; )

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KuroNeko: @Caps: Oh don't get me wrong, they are delicious, especially fresh one like those I just had.
It's just it takes hours to shell them.

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lapma: @KuroNeko:Yeah don't envy you the work, but damn i could find some uses for good peas.

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Caps: I only want to add that Kattia's expression here is adorable. ; )