Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.


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Boaty: It had to be done - dark forces compelled me to.
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GrizzlyBear: Lol I knew there’d be one of these eventually

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Boaty: @GrizzlyBear: TO be honest, I'm hoping this will be a catalyst for more edit.

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MrCoopy: yes this is good

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MrCoopy: wait hang on Charug should be covered in clovers, nvm 0/10
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GrizzlyBear: @Boaty: Got u covered

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damrok4321: i have a feeling this meme will be around here for a while

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ADudeCalledLeo: rip in cat bones dmitri argoth, 2011-2011
(9 fucking years ago, holy shit)

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Rick2tails: why is Shrek stabbing someone there?

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KuroNeko: Gharug is so lucky he managed to kill Dmitri while holding his sword the wrong way.

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Dominik: Wow, where did he get those cool sunglasses?

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Boaty: The sun glasses? An atronach gave it to him, after painting them black.