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Zerorganic: so mean. Hope he wont find his way to the front side tho

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Zerorganic: really cute and good art. But i kinda have the feeling her left leg (our point of view) ends nowhere

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KuroNeko: You means Weedum-Ja legs right? Yeah I forgot to finish th

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KuroNeko: -that line.
Also I just noticed there's acruel lack of drawing of Weedum-Ja on the booru.

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Zerorganic: who is weedum-ja ?

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KuroNeko: @Zerorganic: One the chapel worker in Kvatch, Katia meets her when she arrive in town. Afterward, she's seen again, cleaning the chapel of Akatosh after Katia has put it on fire.
In oblivion she's one of the survivors of the daedra attack on Kvatch.
Also in fanworks she's given a more mischevious side and is often shiped with the bartender.

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Zerorganic: ahhh its the chapel lady. I still dont like the ongoing joke that every khajiit looks like katia... or more like they all look the same. But one thing is sure...i love that like every character has some fan art.Only wish rajirra hasnt

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Caps: Ah, crab in the pants.
The oldest trick in the book.
Awesome drawing, though I don't know who is the prankster.

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ADudeCalledLeo: @KuroNeko: To quote Kazerad himself, >>948
Also, at least it isn't a mudcrab.

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KuroNeko: @Caps: That's Weedum-Ja. If you don't know who that is, see my post above or @ADudeCalledLeo:'s

@ADudeCalledLeo: I actually thought about making it a mudcrab but then forgot about it.

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Zerorganic: whats so bad about mudcrabs tho

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KuroNeko: @Zerorganic: They can only feel hatred and therefore you don't want one in your pants :p

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PermanentFace: The real joke here is that an argonian is wearing a snorkle.