Mortal fiction is pathetic. Any mention of 'spoilers' will usher forth a cleansing flame.


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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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Johnny_FiveAces: To explain what the heck is going on in the picture, it was a stupid joke that I suddenly had a brain blast with. To sum it up: look up a walkthrough Problem Sleuth style, player.additem 6B5C2, boom get the letter, and break the story sequence. Told you it was stupid.

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DarthVader: It’s more funny than it is stupid, but I do like the art you made.

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KuroNeko: "Hey look Quill, I got invited to smash!"

Nice one, I like how you did Quill belts :).

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ADudeCalledLeo: Prequel Adventure Speedrun (Any%)

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Rick2tails: this looks pretty good

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Johnny_FiveAces: @DarthVader I thought it was pretty dumb at the time, though I’m happy to hear that you might’ve a chuckle or a laugh out of it!

@KuroNeko LMAO, I was hoping someone would say that. I based her belts off of her actual outfit from Oblivion since I thought they looked cool there.

@ADudeCalledLeo We need to get SimpleFlips on this, pronto!

@Rick2tails I’m glad you like it my dude!
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B_A_R_C_L_A_Y: aw this is cute